Adnan Khan, who gained fame with the prime time show Ishq Subhan Allah alongside Eisha Sharma, is currently wooing hearts as Viaan Raghuwanshi in the show Katha Ankahee. In the series, he is paired alongside Aditi Sharma. Recently, the actor recalled the moment he first faced camera. For the unversed, Viaan was never born into this industry. He is originally from Dubai and started his television career from there.
Katha Ankahee star Adnan Khan aka Vihaan recalls the first he faced the camera; says “It was messed up”
Recently, the Katha Ankahee star opened up about his first experience and it was not in Mumbai. Adnan said, “Professionally, on set it was a surreal experience. I’m not going to say it was magical because I was so nervous at that time. There was a small character I got to play in a television show called The Arjun Show and they asked me to ride a sport spike”. Emphasising on the same he continued, “In Dubai I’ve never ridden bikes and they straight away asked me to ride it. I couldn’t do it properly and it was messed up, but the first time I saw it, it was very nice.”
On the work front, Adnan Khan is currently shooting for Katha Ankahee in which he essays the role of a construction firm’s CEO Viaan Raghuwanshi. On the other hand, the leading lady Katha is essayed by Aditi Dev Sharma who works as an architect and is a single mother to her cancer survivor son Aarav. The show, which airs on Sony Entertainment Network, is a remake of the popular Turkish drama Binbir Gece (One Thousand And One Nights). While their chemistry seems to have received a lot of appreciation, Adnan and Aditi also recently won a Best Jodi award for the show.
Also Read: Adnan Khan surprises everyone with his dance skills on the sets of Sony TV’s show Katha Ankahee
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