Baahubali actress Anushka Shetty recently visited a temple with her parents in Bengaluru on the festive of Mahashivrati. Soon after her photos and videos went viral on social media. As soon as her photos hit social media netizens body shamed her for being overweight. In recent times Anushka Shetty did not appear in any films and has also gained weight. The actress went trending immediately but all for the wrong reasons. Also Read – Nayanthara to Parvathy – A look at times when South Indian Actresses opened up on casting couch

Netizens started trolling Anushka Shetty after her photos from the puja went viral on the internet. She sported a white traditional outfit to attend the Maha Shivratri puja. While some were excited to see her after a long time others judged her and trolled her over her health. Some stated that she has put on weight for movie, and others reported that she is undergoing health issues. Also Read – Athiya Shetty-KL Rahul to Alia Bhatt-Ranbir Kapoor: First official wedding pictures of Bollywood couples that took our breath away [VIEW HERE]

A section of society found her wanting and made nasty comments and fat-shamed the actress. A user commented very sad and suggested please sweety get slim. Amid hatred comments Anushka Shetty fans lauded her saying she is still cute. The actress’s fan army defended her against all trolls. Also Read – Trending Entertainment News Today: Thalapathy Vijay starrer Varisu beats Kuttey with its Hindi version, unseen pic of Shah Rukh Khan from Pathaan goes viral and more

Check out netizens commenting on Anushka Shetty’s new look

On the work front, Anushka has signed a film with director AL Vijay. She has worked with the Tamil director in the past also. Details about the movie remain under wraps but this would be her 49th film. Meanwhile, she recently completed a Telugu film with Naveen Polishetty and reportedly her character is a chef.

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