Dia Mirza recently wrote an emotional post for filmmaker Anubhav Sinha for the experience she had in his film Bheed, which set in the times of the first COVID-19 wave. When asked how important the film has been for her, the actress told Bollywood Hungama exclusively, “This is a story that needed to be told. It’s an archival film. I hope many generations will revisit to remember what happened. I also feel that it’s a very important film that holds the mirror to us. It speaks to our conscience and seeks answers we need to come up with as people.”

Dia Mirza on Bheed, “Many generations will revisit the film to remember what happened during COVID-19” : Bollywood News

Dia Mirza on Bheed, “Many generations will revisit the film to remember what happened during COVID-19”

Also starring Rajkummar Rao, Bhumi Pednekar, Pankaj Kapur and Aditya Shrivastav, Bheed saw Dia play the character of a mother struggling to be with her daughter during the first COVID-19 lockdown imposed in March 2020. “It’s a very important part that reveals how privilege also leads to entitlement,” said the actress. “What I loved about the character was that because of her entitlement she doesn’t put somebody else’s needs above her own. I think the film really begs for us to change as people.”

The arrival of COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent lockdown was something that came out of the blue for every citizen. Dia was grateful to be with her mom when the lockdown was imposed. “I was comfortable,” she added. “Of course, I lived in a co-op that had many senior citizens. I was on the managing committee. The first thing was to put protocols in place to ensure the safety and health of all the inhabitants of the building. Also, to ensure that the essentials are reaching everyone because many senior citizens were living alone.”

Dia has been choosing meaningful characters in recent years. When asked what all she considers before agreeing to be a part of a project, she said, “I care about being a part of subjects and narratives that help make a difference in some way or the other. I have been fortunate enough to be cast in parts like that. I feel like it’s an extension of just identifying what my purpose is. I feel as an artiste all arts that I am a part of has to be born out of heart. It needs to come from a place of empathy and care.”

Dia will next be seen in the film Dhak Dhak with Ratna Pathak Shah, Fatima Sana Shaikh and Sanjana Sanghi.

Also Read: Dia Mirza pens down a heartfelt note for stepdaughter Samaira Rekhi on her 14th birthday, “I carry your heart in my heart”

More Pages: Bheed Box Office Collection


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