Bollywood actor-turned-filmmaker Arbaaz Khan is once again in the headlines for his latest talk show, The Invincibles. In the first two episodes of the series, he interviewed his father and writer Salim Khan followed by Javed Akhtar. In their respective episodes, Salim and Javed spoke about various aspects of their life. And now, the makers have dropped the teaser of the third episode and unveiled that Helen will be appearing on the show. In the video clip, Helen can be seen talking about her career and recalling her love story with Salim Khan. While speaking of the same, Helen also talked about Salma Khan, Salim Khan’s first wife.

Helen empathizes with Salma Khan as she recalls dating Salim Khan; says, “She must have gone through a lot”

Helen empathizes with Salma Khan as she recalls dating Salim Khan; says, “She must have gone through a lot”

It all happened when Arbaaz Khan asked about the time when she met Salim Khan, his father. In her response, Helen asserted, “He (Salim) gave me a role (in a film). We became friends, mummy was very nice; (it must have been tough) for your mom, she must have gone through a lot at that time. I think destiny brought me close to all of you and I must thank all of you… I never ever wanted a separation from the family (for Salim).”

Besides this, the veteran actress also shed some light on doing dance numbers in films, and how she quit her career. She said, “I was very lucky to be able to continue dancing (in films) till the age of 42. People used to think that ‘film industry main kaam nahi karna chahiye, yeh achi baat nahi hai (working in films was not considered a good thing at that time)’. The heroines practically took over, they started wearing clothes that no heroine would wear in those days. It was my destiny, – this much Helen and no further.”

Speaking of Salim Khan’s take on his love affair with Helen, in the first episode of The Invincibles, he had said, “She (Helen) was young, I was also young. Mera aisa koi iraada nahi tha. Maine sirf madad kiya tha. She started respecting my gesture and attitude. I always say that love is rooted in respect. You cannot love anybody who doesn’t respect you.”

The episode, featuring Helen, will be released on February 17, that is tomorrow.

Also Read: Salim Khan describes falling in love with his second wife Helen as an emotional accident; says, “Mera koi aisa iraada nahi tha”


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