Vivek Agnihotri’s film The Kashmir Files created quite a stir at the box office. The film starred his wife Pallavi Joshi, Anupam Kher and many others in pivotal roles. Now, the filmmaker has moved on to his next. The title of the film is The Vaccine War and it has Pallavi Joshi in the leading role. The shooting of the film is going on in Hyderabad. As per the latest updates, Pallavi Joshi got injured on the sets of the film. Also Read – Oscars 2023: The Kashmir Files film and actors shortlisted? Netizens troll Vivek Agnihotri for ‘lying’

Pallavi Joshi injured on sets of The Vaccine War

As reported by Zee News, Vivek Agnihotri‘s wife and actress Pallavi Joshi got hit by a vehicle that went out of control. The accident took place on the set itself, as revealed by a source. Even though she got hit, Pallavi Joshi continued to shoot her scenes and visited the hospital only when her portion was done. She visited a nearby hospital for treatment and reportedly she is recuperating well. We wish her a speedy recovery. Also Read – Besharam Rang controversy: The Kashmir Files director Vivek Agnihotri shares video about obscenity in Bollywood; netizens remind him of Hate Story

The Vaccine War is expected to release on 15 August 2023. It was recently that Vivek Agnihotri welcomed Sampthami Gowda to the team. She played a pivotal role in Rishab Shetty’s Kantara and now she will be seen in The Vaccine War. Sapthami played the role of Leela in Kantara and she expressed excitement over joining Vivek Agnihotri’s The Vaccine War. She will make her Hindi film debut with this film. Also Read – Year ender 2022: Ranbir Kapoor-Alia Bhatt’s daughter Raha, Drishyam 2’s smashing box office and more – All the good and positives Bollywood witnessed this year 

Check out Vivek Agnihotri’s tweet below:

Reportedly, the film narrates the story of Indian scientists who worked hard to develop the most effective vaccine in the world. The scientists have survived the pressure coming from global manufacturers amidst the tough time. The film is expected to release in 11 different languages.

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