List of Pathaan Movie Reviews from various popular critics and news portals. Kindly bookmark this page to check all the reviews which will be updated accordingly.

Star Cast – Shah Rukh Khan, Deepika Padukone and John Abraham

Director – Siddharth Anand

Release Date – 25 January 2023

Total Reviews – 1

Overall Word of Mouth (Critics) – Awaited

1. India Today 

Rating Score -> 3.5/5

Pathaan is unapologetically fun. It isn’t trying to send a public service message or pass a commentary on the current state of affairs. Instead, it sets the clock back to a time when a Shah Rukh Khan film at the cinemas was a moment to rejoice. In a recent #AskSRK session, the actor revealed his unfulfilled wish. He wrote, ‘Itni shakti rahe mujh mein ki aap ke bacchon ko bhi entertain kar sakoon’ (I hope I have the strength to even entertain your kids).” If his enthusiasm and energy in Pathaan is anything to go by, then one thing is for sure – SRK is not going anywhere. This Pathaan is the perfect opening to India’s very own Spy Universe.

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