Rhea Chakraborty has been slowly and steadily getting back into the limelight. Apart from stepping out at city events, Rhea also recently walked the ramp at a fashion show in Pune. Rhea Chakraborty is on a spree of making us drool. The actor keeps slaying fashion goals on a daily basis with snippets from her fashion diaries. Be it a formal attire or a casual one or the ethnic ensembles, Rhea can do it all with grace and sass. The actor shared a slew of pictures from her sun kissed diaries on her Instagram profile on Tuesday.
Rhea Chakraborty is our Tuesday mood in these fun, light, and warm pictures!
Rhea Chakraborty has time and again served her social media audience with experimental photoshoots. From donning some of the best clothes to choosing a fun light for photoshoots, she has impressed everyone with her glitz, glamour, and simplicity. The actress’s white woollen dress perfectly captures how the recent winters in Mumbai have made us all feel. Rhea appears attractive to us as she poses gracefully in front of the sun. In the photos, Rhea is wearing a white, short, straight-sleeved dress made of a soft knit. Her dress includes long sleeves, a low dropped shoulder, a turtle neck, rib-trimmed neckline, and a loose fit. The cuffs and hem of her dress are ribbed as well.
Rhea completed the outfit with a pair of golden hoops. Rhea tied her hair loosely back in a bun and went for subtle makeup that complimented the outfit with flushed cheeks, glossy lips, and softly kohled eyes.
Today, taking to social media, shared a picture of herself in a sun, light, and warm mood, as she wrote “Find your light and it will keep you warm #rhenew #wintervibes “
Meanwhile, Rhea was last seen in Chehre with Emraan Hashmi and Amitabh Bachchan. The film didn’t perform well at the box office. She is yet to announce her next project.
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