Sanjay Gagnani, who is currently busy with the popular show Kundali Bhagya starring Shraddha Arya and Shakti Arora, made headlines after he suffered an accident on the sets while he was shooting for the Zee TV drama. Followed by the unfortunate incident, he was flooded with messages from concerned fans and loved ones. Now, thanking them, the actor posted a long note on social media wherein he assured them about his recovery.

Sanjay Gagnani shares an update of his health after sustaining injuries on the sets of Kundali Bhagya

Sanjay Gagnani shares an update of his health after sustaining injuries on the sets of Kundali Bhagya

Sanjay Gagnani was badly injured while shooting for an action sequence. A source close to the actor said, “The injury was so bad that he started bleeding on the sets. The shoot was paused and immediate medical help was arranged for him. In fact, photos of him bleeding with injuries went viral on social media which got his fans concerned. The stars’ phone was filled with recovery wishes from fans and his loved ones.”   

Followed by the kind of concern that was showcased towards Sanjay took to social media to express his gratitude towards his fans and also updated them about his health. He posted a story on his Instagram saying, “It is only in time of pain when you know who your true ones are and I am so grateful and at peace at the same time to know that so many people including my fans, my media fam, my crew members and my backbone my family and friends who called and checked on me continuously and filled my dm expressing their concern, their love and good wishes and prayed for my speedy recovery. I love you all so much. #blessed <3″

Sanjay Gagnani shares an update of his health after sustaining injuries on the sets of Kundali Bhagya

For the unversed, Sanjay Gagnani plays the role of Prithvi Malhotra in the ongoing show Kundali Bhagya which also stars Shraddha Arya as Preetha, Manit Joura as Rishab Luthra, and Shakti Arora as Arjun Suryavanshi aka Karan Luthra. The show airs on Zee TV at 9:30 pm from Monday to Friday.

Also Read: Kundali Bhagya: Shraddha Arya opens up on her ‘Sardar look’ with onscreen sister Anjum Fakih; says, “I’m enjoying every bit of it”


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