Tiger 3 maintains its stability, with a reported 5-5.5% occupancy on Day 19, mirroring the figures from Day 18 during morning shows. The film continues to collect consistently, but it is anticipated that collections will significantly decrease starting from the 3rd Friday due to the release of Animal.

By the end of the day (3rd Thursday), Tiger 3 is expected to surpass the 280 crore mark. Additional earnings on Friday will hinge on post-Animal release collections. Overall, the film has achieved HIT status at the box office.

Tiger 3 Morning Shows Occupancy Report


Day 1 (Sunday) – 35-40%

Day 2 (Monday) – 35-40%

Day 3 (Tuesday) – 30%

Day 4 (Wednesday) – 17%

Day 5 (Thursday) – 11%

Day 6 (Friday) – 8%

Day 7 (Saturday) – 12-13%

Day 8 (2nd Sunday) – 15%

Day 9 (2nd Monday) – 8%

Day 10 (2nd Tuesday) – 7-8%

Day 11 (2nd Wednesday) – 7%

Day 12 (2nd Thursday) – 6-7%

Day 13 (2nd Friday) – 7%

Day 14 (2nd Saturday) – 13%

Day 15 (3rd Sunday) – 15%

Day 16 (3rd Monday) – 7%

Day 17 (3rd Tuesday) – 5-6%

Day 18 (3rd Tuesday) – 5-5.5%

Day 19 (3rd Wednesday) – 5-5.5%

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