The Shah Rukh Khan starrer Pathaan was released last week on January 25 to a thunderous response from the audience. Directed by Siddharth Anand the film which also featured Deepika Padukone, and John Abraham after a good start has continued to see its business raking in the moolah. In fact, with each passing day, Pathaan re-established new box office benchmarks.
Now at the close of its first week in theatres, the Shah Rukh Khan starrer that released across 5,500 screens in the domestic market has managed to draw in a staggering Rs. 330.25 cr. With this the film has emerged as the first bionafied super hit of 2023. If that was not all, given the immensely positive feedback Pathaan has received from the audience, trade prediction state that the business of Pathaan will see further growth.
As of now, Pathaan stands as one of the most successful films at the box office in recent times. Going ahead, estimates suggest that Pathaan is certain to see an increase in business over its second weekend running.
More Pages: Pathaan Box Office Collection , Pathaan Movie Review