List of Shiv Shastri Balboa Reviews from various popular critics and news portals. 

Star Cast – Anupam Kher, Neena Gupta

Director – Ajayan Venugopalan

Release Date – 10 February 2023

Total Reviews – 2

Overall Word of Mouth (Critics) – Positive

1. Times of India 

Rating Score -> 4/5

The movie subtly touches upon alienation, racism, culture shock, and what it means for the third generation to grow up amid increasing intolerance. But all these are presented just as a matter of fact, not once taking away from the central theme of Shiv Shastri and Elsa being on an inadvertent adventure.

2. Hindustan Times 

Rating Score -> n/a

Shiv Shastri Balboa is sweet, innocent and an endearing story about love, life and learnings. While the film has its heart at the right place, watch it for some relatable performances from Kher and Gupta that would make you want to rediscover life.

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